5 Tips for Winter Construction Safety

Winter weather is upon us, and we all have to adapt to working and getting around in the cold. Construction during winter means ensuring that workers stay warm and safe in the more difficult surroundings. These five tips will help you and your workers stay safe and productive throughout the winter months.

1. Provide a Secure Working Area

Construction during winter means dealing with difficult conditions. That involves more than just cold weather. Harsh winter conditions can also include icy or otherwise difficult ground. Working on these surfaces can be difficult and even dangerous. Ensure better winter construction safety for your workers with composite mats. Heavy duty mats provide stable, secure surfaces for people and equipment to work safely in winter conditions. Learn more about the benefits of composite mats.

2. Provide Warm Break Areas

In addition to keeping work areas safe, your people need somewhere to escape the conditions. Having heated break areas will help them warm up. This helps keep the energy up, and it helps keep workers safe by reducing the amount of continuous time they spend in the cold.

3. Safe Snow Removal

Work sites need to be cleared of snow. Make sure this is done safely by having protocols for when machinery is removing snow. Also, be mindful that extreme cold narrows arteries and can make heart attacks more likely when shoveling snow. Older workers should be exempted from shoveling in extreme cold whenever possible.

4. Ensure Proper Protective Gear is Used

Make sure your workers know what equipment and gear they need to keep warm when working construction during winter. Gloves and mittens should allow dexterity while also keeping workers warm, and workers should be warned to always keep their gloves or mittens on when touching cold metal. Hats should be able to be worn underneath hard hats to ensure safety. Provide comprehensive lists and conduct regular checks to make sure people stay safe and warm.

5. Keep Workers Informed

Keep workers informed by always checking weather conditions and posting them at the work site. If a storm or colder weather is in the forecast, every worker should know what to expect and how to prepare in advance, and workers should have adequate time to secure the work site before any severe weather hits.

By keeping these tips in mind for construction during the winter, you can keep your team safe and productive. Winter construction safety is about staying informed and preparing in advance.

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